About Us

About Us

 "Welcome to PUREIGN, your trusted partner for DOT urine specimen collection, we are dedicated to providing reliable and accurate urine specimen collection services in full compliance with DOT regulations. Our team of certified collectors are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality throughout the collection process. With our expertise and adherence to industry guidelines, we strive to contribute to safer workplaces and transportation by ensuring the integrity of drug testing procedures. As a trusted partner, we prioritize the well-being of both employers and employees, offering efficient and precise collections that meet the stringent requirements of DOT compliance. We are excited to be a part of this vital aspect of maintaining safety and look forward to serving your specimen collection needs."

Contact Us


We are always happy to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to call, send a message below or e-mail us, and one of our representatives will be in touch shortly.

We love to receive our customers,

Thank you for choosing Pureign LLC. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and exceed your expectations. Together, let's ensure accurate and reliable urine specimen collections for a healthier and safer future.